lilies and spring flowers decorate the altar in the sanctuary


Annual Church Picnic

Annual Church Picnic

Our Annual Church Picnic will be held on August 4 after the worship service on the patio and Nick’s Hall. We will have veggie burgers, beef burgers, turkey/chicken hot dogs with sides of potato salad, fruit etc. Be ready to have some summer fun. We would like some...

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Vacation Bible School: June 10-14

Vacation Bible School: June 10-14

Get ready for some VBS fun! Including... new friends, amazing experiments, creative games, super fun snacks, surprising adventures, and incredible music! June 10-14, 2024 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Children ages 5-13 years old Cost: $100 per child Registration is going on...

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Graduate Recognition

Graduate Recognition

On June 2, during worship, we will honor those in our church family who are graduating. If a member of your extended family has completed an educational milestone, we’d like to celebrate that achievement. We are proud of those transitioning from preschool to...

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